Abhinav Ganguly
June 9, 2022

The 70-30 rule for health

Posted on June 9, 2022  •  2 minutes  • 391 words

It is always 70% Diet + 30% Training = 100% ! 😄

No matter what is your fitness goal, this is the base rule.

You MUST have a good command and control on your diet, if you want to achieve your fitness GOAL. You can do all the different kinds of workouts in the world, thousand hours of cardio, making a sweat pool on that tread mill. But it is what you put in to your tummy, is what makes all the difference.

And yet, this is most ignored aspect in your lifestyle. One biggest misconception is that DIETING=FASTING.

No ! Big NO.

Dieting means eating right thing at right time. And one of the best thing is to eat locally sourced, seasonal produces.

Grilled Chicken, Steamed Okras and a small Uthappa

Grilled Chicken, Steamed Okras and a small Uthappa - One of my fav!

For a moment, just even keep the fitness GOAL aside. Even in our day to day life, often we give in to our cravings. And now, moreover with this paradigm shift brought to us by COVID, it just gets just trickier and trickier.

Thats why it is always 70% DIET + 30% TRAINING

And how do begin with that?

  1. Know where you ARE right now, i.e your vital indexes like the simplest one can be dry body weight. And more advanced ones can be body fat %, fat free muscle mass %, Physical strength etc.
  2. Define your fitness GOAL, i.e reducing certain kgs of body weight, improve stamina for certain sports or game etc.
  3. Now jot down a REALISTIC deadline to reach your goal.

The last bit is very important, i.e. a REALISTIC deadline. It’ll help you decide what is the rate at which you need to progress in order to reach your goal ON TIME.

Boiled Eggs, Rice Puffs and Steamed Okras

Boiled Eggs, Rice Puffs and Steamed Okras - First meal in the morning post workout, you can say ‘breakfast’!

And then based on the rate of progress, plan an appropriate diet. And stick to it!! Dieting is a discipline, you’ll have to do it again and again, over a period of time to see tangible results.

Yes, it is a truth that everyone’s body is different, someone may get response sooner, while other may take a while. But it is very important to at least stick with discipline for a certain period of time to see the results.

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I coach people to lead a sustainably healthy life, write code to make awesome apps